30 April 2006

我来過 我很乖

以下是一段真人真事、我是从Calgary本地電台由一位香港資深廣播人錢錢 主持人 "難得糊塗" (she actually live in San Frascisco) 清談節目中收聽的‧故事非常感人‧我向錢錢小姐寄给我這故事與大家分享..



有一个美丽的小女孩,她的名字叫做佘艳,她有一双亮晶晶的大眼睛,她有一颗透亮的童心。她是一个孤儿,她在这个世界上只活了8年,她留在这个世界上最后的 话是“我来过 我很乖”。她希望死在秋天,纤瘦的身体就像一朵花自然开谢的过程。在遍地黄花堆积,落叶空中旋舞时候,她会看见横空远行雁儿们。她自愿放弃治 疗,把全世界华人捐给她的54万元救命钱分成了7份,把生命当成希望的蛋糕分别给了7个正徘徊在生死线的小朋友。



1996年11月30日,那是当年农历10月20日,因为“爸爸”佘仕友在永兴镇沈家冲一座小桥旁的草丛中发现被冻得奄奄一息的这个新生婴儿时,发现她的 胸口处插着一张小纸片,上面写着:“10月20日晚上12点。”

   家住四川省双流县三星镇云崖村二组的佘仕友当时30岁,因为家里穷一直找不到对象,如果要收养这个孩子,恐怕就更没人愿意嫁进家门了。看着怀中小猫一样 嘤嘤哭泣的婴儿,佘仕友几次放下又抱起,转身走又回头,这个小生命已经浑身冰冷哭声微弱,再没人管只怕随时就没命了!咬咬牙,他再次抱起婴儿,叹了一口 气:“我吃什么,你就跟我吃什么吧。”

  佘仕友给孩子取名叫佘艳, 因为她是秋天丰收季节出生的孩子。单身汉当起了爸爸,没有母乳,也买 不起奶粉,就只好喂米汤,所以佘艳从小体弱多病,但是非常乖巧懂事。春去春又回,如同苦藤上的一朵小花,佘艳一天天长大了,出奇得聪明乖巧,乡邻都说捡来 的娃娃智商高,都喜欢她。尽管从小就多病,在爸爸的担惊受怕中,佘艳慢慢地长大了。


   上小学了,佘艳知道自己要好学上进要考第一名,不识字的爸爸在村里也会脸上有光,她从没让爸爸失望过。她给爸爸唱歌,把学校里发生的趣事一样一样讲给爸 爸听,把获得的每一朵小红花仔仔细细贴在墙上,偶尔还会调皮地出道题目考倒爸爸……每当看到爸爸脸上的笑容,她会暗自满足:“虽然不能像别的孩子一样也有 妈妈,但是能跟爸爸这样快乐地生活下去,也很幸福了。”

   2005年5月开始,她经常流鼻血。有一天早晨,佘艳正欲洗脸,突然发现一盆 清水变得红红的,一看,是鼻子里的血正向下滴,不管采用什么措施,都止不住。实在没办法,佘仕友带她去乡卫生院打针,可小小的针眼也出血不止,她的腿上还 出现大量“红点点”,医生说,“赶快到大医院去看!”来到成都大医院,可正值会诊高峰,她排不上轮次。独自坐在长椅上按住鼻子,鼻血像两条线直往下掉,染 红了地板。他觉得不好意思,只好端起一个便盆接血,不到10分钟,盆子里的血就盛了一半。


   这种病的医疗费是非常昂贵的,费用一般需要30万元!佘仕友懵了。看着病床上的女儿,他没法想太多,他只有一个念头:救女儿!借遍了亲戚朋友,东拼西凑 的钱不过杯水车薪,距离30万实在太远,他决定卖掉家里唯一还能换钱的土坯房。可是因为房子太过破旧,一时找不到买主。







   第二天,爸爸叫上姑姑陪着佘艳来到镇上,花30元给佘艳买了两套新衣服,佘艳自己选了一套粉红色的短袖短裤,姑姑给她选了一套白色红点的裙子,她试穿上 身就舍不得脱下来。三人来到照相馆,佘艳穿着粉红色的新衣服,双手比着V字手势,努力地微笑,最后还是忍不住掉下泪来。



   记 者阿姨从医院方面得知了情况,写了一篇报道,详尽叙说佘艳的故事。旋即,《8岁女孩乖巧安排后事》的故事在蓉城传开了,成都被感动了,互联网也被感动 了,无数市民为这位可怜的女孩心痛不已,从成都到全国乃至全世界,现实世界与互联网空间联动,所有爱心人士开始为这个弱小的生命捐款,“和谐社会”成为每 个人心中的最强音。短短10天时间,来自全球华人捐助的善款就已经超过56万元,手术费用足够了,小佘艳的生命之火被大家的爱心再次点燃!宣布募捐活动结 束之后,仍然源源不断收到全球各地的捐款。所有的钱都到位了,医生也尽自己最大努力,一个接一个的治疗难关也如愿地一一闯过!大家沉着地微笑着等待成功的 那一天!有网友如是写道:“佘艳,我亲爱的孩子!我希望你能健康的离开医院;我祈祷你能顺利的回到学校;我盼望你能平安的长大成人;我幻想我能高兴的陪你 出嫁。佘艳,我亲爱的孩子……”


   佘艳接受了难以忍受的化疗。玻璃门内,佘艳躺在病床上输液,床头旁边放着一把椅子,椅子上放一个塑料盆,她不时要侧身呕吐。小女孩的坚强令所有人吃惊。 她的主治医生徐鸣介绍,化疗阶段胃肠道反应强烈,佘艳刚开始时经常一吐就是大半盆,可她“连吭都没吭一声”。刚入院时做骨髓穿刺检查,针头从胸骨刺入,她 “没哭,没叫,眼泪都没流,动都不动一下”。











   傅艳大惊,连忙打开一看,果然是小佘艳安排的后事。这是一个年仅8岁的垂危孩子,趴在病床上用铅笔写了三页纸的《遗书》。由于孩子太小,有些字还不会 写,且有个别错别字。看得出整篇文章并不是一气呵成写完的,分成了六段。开头是“傅艳阿姨”,结尾是“傅艳阿姨再见”,整篇文章“傅艳阿姨”或“傅阿姨” 共出现7次,还有9次简称记者为“阿姨”。这16个称呼后面,全部是关于她离世后的“拜托”,以及她想通过记者向全社会关心她的人表达“感谢”与“再 见”。




   8 月22日,由于消化道出血,几乎一个月不能吃东西而靠输液支撑的佘艳,第一次“偷吃东西”,她掰了一块方便面塞进嘴里。很快消化道出血加重,医生护士 紧急给她输血、输液……看着佘艳腹痛难忍、痛苦不堪的样子,医生护士都哭了,大家都愿意帮她分担痛苦,可是,想尽各种办法还是无济于事。



   四川在线,网易等网站沉浸在泪海里,互联网被泪水打湿透了,“心痛到不能呼吸”。每个网站的消息帖子下面都有上万条跟帖,花圈如山,悼词似海,一位中年 男士喃喃低语:“孩子,你本来就是天上的小天使,张开小翅膀,乖乖地飞吧……” 8月26日,她的葬礼在小雨中举行,成都市东郊殡仪馆火化大厅内外站满了热泪盈眶的市民。他们都是8岁女孩佘艳素不相识的“爸爸妈妈”。为了让这个一出生 就被遗弃、患白血病后自愿放弃自己的女孩,最后离去时不至于太孤单,来自四面八方的“爸爸妈妈们”默默地冒雨前来送行。



The End.

"嗱!.... Tissue Paper... go washroom 吧 & Hug hug your little one"


我來過,我很乖 是小佘艷妹妹的真人真事,也是一件很感人的故事‧
Please Stay tune for my next post

29 April 2006

Continue Brayden's Cookie intruction

Continue about My boy asking me to bake cookie with him after reading Auntie Maria Blogs baking cookie.
I told him I don''t know how, he then told me this....
I got him to repeat the cookie instruction

To stop him whining about baking cookie, I came out with this..

What about the left pieces? no waste.........to daddy stomach

Giving Instruction baking cookie,,,, opps it's cake

I was reading Maria's blog about baking cookies, and my boy told me he wants to bake cookie too, I said I don't know how, he then give me instruction, I asked him to repeat again and I video him ,,, but he end up telling me........a different recipe.

27 April 2006

Fun and Tag

Being Tag by Twinsmom, 咁多..........問題‧.....嘟冇問題

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn on page 18 and find line 4.

> Har...个table好多嘢就係無书!
哈 ! 咁多书(actully more Bills/receipts than books on the table)‧本本嘟近‧攞边一本哩? Er....依本啦..Photoshop for Photograhy
2. Stretch your left arm out as far a you can.
> Stretch 咗..跟住做乜??
3. What is the last thing you watched on TV??
> 重有乜嘢節目啦! kids. But my statelites not working, no TV program for 3 weeks...
不過睇緊"天幕下的戀人" 才睇完第+集
4.Without looking, guess what time it is?
> 11pm
5.Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
> 10.17pm 唉yar!失覺添!
6.With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
> Fish Tank filters.
7.When did you last step outside? What were you doing
> Just return from Superstore, Grocery shopping.
8.Before you started this survery, what did you look at?
> Showed my husband Twinsmom Twins silly faces and start this homework.
9.What are you wearing.
> Yoga pants, shirt and track-suit. 有乜关係呢?
10.Did you dream last night??
> Ya,, many dreams in one night, (macam-macam, campur sini, nanti campur sana ) all story last 5 minutes then jump into a different dream, can't keep track what I dream.
11.When did you last laught??
> Just now, laughing with Hubby when looking at Twins funny silly faces.
12.What is on the walls of the room you are in??
> A print out of Snoopy Cartoon ." 上班族的一週" 咁嘅問题係咪就知道我品味!
13.Seen anything weird lately??
> Ya, This morning, One of Brayden's classmate mom (年青鬼婆) look very untidy and the cloths she is wearing is dust with lint and maybe pets hair.. top to bottom....咪話我八掛、佢排排"企"站我前面‧盲也嗅到dusty味啦...点可以避到!
14.WHat do you think of this quiz..?
> 交功課表,, my assignment, questionair, ........kind of funny lor.
15.What is the last film you saw??
> Film???, nowaday no more film one,,, watch DVD movie... Ermm Watch Partially of Maisy, Partially Diego_ Dora the Explorer,Partially 阿信的故事(cartoon) and Partially Ice Age2 all in one day.
16. If you became a multimillionair overnight, what would you buy??
> 買大大屋又買田, then have more children, and adopt more children.
17.Tell me somthing about you that I dunno.
> I am actually a men..其實我真係男人.....................哈 kidding,,,What you want to know??
18.If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do??
> 大多嘢要改變但又咁多rules. I would change this world into a wonderWorld、a laughland、No violent, no Hates、舞就跳、日日有工開日日有饭吃、人人有书讀个个笑哈哈
19.Do you like to dance?
> I use to, now the mood is different when I got family... so, it is ok..just silly dance with my son..
20.George Bush.
> What about him?? orrrr,,, 一个狡猾多詐又奸、獨特的美國人總統!
21.Imagine you first child is a girl, what do you call her??
> I forgot....好似係 .... 嘟唔記得咗!
22.Imagine you first child is aboy, what do you call him??
> Not imagine... it's real, I got a son we named him Brayden 樂熙, ( hubby like Julius first)
23.Would you ever consider living abroad??
> I was born and raise in Malaysia, emigrated with family to Canada in late late 80's early 90's, married to a HongKong Man, Son is born in Canada,, I think I am fine here now but when we reach the golden year, We are thinking to stay in KL or other places for every winter season.
24.What do you want GOD to say to you when you reach the pearly gates??
> if I think I am still not done enough yet, Ask him please to send me back for more years with healthy life. If I'm damp old and start bringing burden to my family, I would like to expect God to give me a position in heaven.. like a Guardian angel, a position without retriction in rules. This way I can be my belove family and friends guardian angel...
25. 5 people who must also do this meme in their journal.
> I would assign......... so far 2 now..

一加二媽媽 1+2 mom

now start and go go go...

One Forward E-Mail

Received this mail long time ago..

26 April 2006


我同事 "野鬼_佢慨藝名" 帮我set up MSN messenger在我部电惱,放便大家溝通傾計或在老細背後 講佢是非啦、通水啦(偷閒中我上blog佢上綱... 唉 ! 釣頸都要透下氣架!)

"野鬼"打字打得好快‧所以佢好快冇乜野做‧老細一掉頭,佢就訓 oil oil...‧
依一个年青潮港人 too smart for this job. 這一位有經濟學位嘅年青人做一份打字兼排板工作係大材小用‧不過佢也只不過騎牛搵馬吸收工作經驗,做依D野一定会悶襯啦,所以佢番襯工都会 " 合ant訓 "

其 實老細个人吾係難相处‧佢也只係唔想妨礙工作效率,當工作效率高就可以早D收工,就可以出少D糧囉! 邊个老板唔係甘呢! 係必然之事來嘅!而我可能隨着年級嘅增長、睇D 野睇得好化、做人處事唔似以前甘斤斤計較、博到盡‧我不再是借日的我‧工作只不過是生活中的細小部份,工作是否悶是否有挑戰是否係精彩,都冇セ所謂 ,平常心,盡其在我!


25 April 2006

Home work coming up

Twinsmom, give me a day, I will do my homework ar..
my FUN AND TAG will finished soon,,
Today and Tomorrow are my Working day .
Busy work lah, you know, newspaper Office have no break one... DEAD LINE constantly........
Boss screaming for 稿稿稿 做唔....... :< 救世主 救我 :0
Work work work....................

唔好唔参我玩 ar!

24 April 2006

This weekend, we did...

Weekend this and that
In sunny and beautiful Sunday afternoon,
We went for Vietnamese food ...My oldest sister MayPing love Vietnamese food, she said it's light and simple. When she visit us every year here, she must have Vietnamese food especially the Rice wrapper seafood spring rolls, also my favourite. (I will make this rolls one day and will post it up.)

I ordered Vietnamese Satay noodle soup, it taste very much llike Laksa, except the spicyness is less, the soup base is quite stronger in peanut butter flavour.
I also ordered a glass of Vietnamese Drips coffee, so similar like French coffee. It taste like Malaysian Kopi "O" (milk coffee) but this is much stronger flavour, like espresso.Hubby had some Rice noodle with shrimp cake and spring rolls, the Fish sauce is set aside to pour in when you eat.
Brayden always loves the BBQ deep fried Quail for his meal.

We then went to the nearest Mall, Deerfoot Mall is having some side walk sale.
I saw a cute bike remind a bike I use to pedal in Malaysia. (except mine is rusted and black bike.)After that, as usual, to Library and then went to a different park close to our community.
This one here is in Panorama Hills.Borrowed about 30 books from Libary,,, so many books, so little time, at least we have a month to keep the books. OK lah.
(Actually most books are for my son‧Mine mostly Magazines , computer books and 散文書, My husband one is 打Ping Pong参考書‧最近佢喜歡打Ping pong 起來‧)

21 April 2006

My new hair cut - 型仔look ??

My new hair cut

Style: Boy cut 型仔look

Stylist: mommy

Comment: No comment, she's in control...with the scissors

Next day, to have a closer look- "Aii yei yei, it's turn out to be more Ah Wong look ! "
第二日睇清楚D..其實 D 髮型似 阿旺 look 多 D 喔!

20 April 2006



所以今日老公話佢番工会番迟一些、等佢来陪个仔去番Playschool,我就可以訓迟些‧How sweet.

點知唔清楚仔仔的routine旣daddy、一叫仔仔起身就 expect 仔仔立刻洗面擦牙yum奶 go go go的方式‧Kang係唔得啦!仔仔好唔合作、哭一大餐吵一輪.....咪有搅到我........


Dooooooo** Dooooooo***(依家D電話唔Ring 架啦,係新款電話響声!) 訓唔倒十分钟...電話響

ME: (搅乜鬼咁早!) Hallo!

Daddy: 老婆,熙熙好曳呀!依家係class room度‧吵住唔要係 playschool wor,又唔彩老师‧你同佢講啦‧(那) (我老公就係咁‧一搅唔掂、就打鼓搵我接招)

仔仔: 妈咪、我唔要番学‧我要番屋企‧

妈咪: 你己经到左果度啦,搵D小朋友齊齊玩啦!果度係去玩旣嗎!妈咪等你放学来接你走,ok‧

仔仔: 唔要呀...

妈咪: 係咁,你唔聽話就会 lic 走全部 D stickers 架啦‧冇晒D Stickers 就冇treat架啦!你就来儲到二十幾个wor!

仔仔: .............沉默是金‥最好少說.... (Daddy攞番来聽)

Daddy: Mrs Smith and Mrs McConnel 同佢講嘢又唔應人‧好冇禮貌‧吵住要走 wor....哄又唔得...

妈咪: 你去番工啦,佢一俥就冇事啦!

Daddy: 哦!咁呀、OK!



Mrs. McConnel Said: it's so strange to see Brayden act this way this morning, he never like that, maybe just get him up a bit early, have some to eat then he will be ok when he comes.

Mummy me: Ya, I usually do that. Anyway, I am not feeling well for past few days, my husband offer to take him today, so I can sleep in. He don't know my routine and end up have this trouble to handle him.

Mrs McConnel: Oh, I see why he act this way now..
Hug Hug him and both say good bye to each other.


See! Now it almost dinner time, got to go prepare tonight dinner... not easy being a house wife,, guy..
I am making Sushi...

18 April 2006

Easter Long weekend_Friday Apr 14

This week is Easter Long weekend.

Hubby took one more day off on Monday, that's make it a longer weekend for us.
My sister's Elaine went to China for 2 weeks, so we are babysitting her fish.....

Every weekend, Hubby is responsible to prepare Breakfast, (the only thing he knows how to cook)

The Rest of the afternoon.
We went to IKEA. Spent half a day there, bought few things, a reading light and light buld. didn't want to spent much but sure a good place for family to hang around.
Line up to sign in Brayden to Smiland in IKEA, so we can shop! he can play!they gave us a pager in case of emergency (so thoughtful, never seen this setup before) or time out ( all kids allow to play for an hour).
He just went in for less than 10 minutes, the pages is varibrating,,, calling us.. I was so panic, thinking he may got hurt or something wrong............Hubby calm me down and since he is pushing the stroller. I went and I ran like crazy, the shop is big, can't seem to find a closer exit to play house... luckily a sale girl directed me............
Oh, he's fine, he just want to leave and join us.
So, we took him playing
at kids beds, toys section and to choose a bed later when he sleep alone .

We all had fun, a good place where you don't need to spend too much on entertainment.

Can't stop thinking about SCB... Hope she is awake.. Let's pray for her.

16 April 2006

The unfortunate one

My friend's Sharon have a moment when she read a news about Five-year-old Jeffrey Baldwin was found dead in his grandmother's east Toronto house in 2002. Officially, Jeffrey died of pneumonia, the result of breathing in his own feces, but the real cause was severe, prolonged malnutrition. (information are from news.)

My heart break when reading how unfortunetly this happen in a civilization Country we llive in.

Somethings Sharon wrote - Wanna to share with you her thought.

""God, please keep all those unfortunate children with you; give them all the love that they didn’t get in this world, let them be around you and be loved. Please give them rest and peace. We as adult, should be their guidance and protector, but why are there so many children being manipulated by grown up, tortured and killed by grown up? And most of the time, it’s by their own family
members. When I read the news about this five years old boy who died under the care of his grandparent, who weighted only about the same as a normal one year old; it tore my heart. The grandparent kept him only for the money; he was locked in a room at all time. The house is full of other adults like his aunt and her boy friend. But no one did anything when he’s crying for help. I really don’t know what has this world becoming to, the children are so innocent, they rely on us to protect them from the danger, they rely on us to give them love and care, they trusted us especially the people that they love. And yet, those are the people that betrayed them.

All children, no matter it’s your own or not, should deserved to be loved and cared, people who did all those terrible things to the children should be condemned and that should be considered as the worst sin that man could commit

Please pray for those unfortunate children and let them know that there are people who care about them in this world.""


Steam Eggs

Steam eggs

11 April 2006

Part of Twinsmom's adventure in Chicken recipe

Chicken (twinsmom's recipe)

Twinsmom post this recipe last week. Looks so nice, and since I have chicken drumstick in the fridge, I've make this for last Monday night Dinner.

The drumstick is too thick, so I pound my meat and then wrap in cook carrot too. (so that my father can eat it when it got softern.) I marinated the meat with Worcetershire sauce, since we all like BBQ flavour, I also add in Teriyaki sauce to marinate the meat.

It turn out good, except I roast it too long, a little bit over cook.
But there have a lot of juice from the meat and I pour out the sauce to cook until the sauce is reduced then pour on the chicken, Hubby like it very much. Last, I sprinkle lots of green onions because we love green onion..(weird?? )

For this recipe click here- Cook Blog

(Thanks Twinsmom ar... Very easy to make, I am making this again this weekend.)

Last Sunday April 9th

Hubby woke us up for Dim Sum in Chinatown.
My sister and Father joined us. I Invited my good friend's Irene to join us too.
(Irene is a real good friend, a shopping buddy, and a long time friends we share so much in common. Irene, thank you for being a good friend.
she just went back to Brunei for a short visit last year, after 20 years not been back, she just don't believe that going to washroom you need to pay for your toilet paper and entry!
But she enjoyed all the food she miss for last 20 years!)

Brayden is getting a bit older now, so he is daring to try on ride like this. I would say couple months ago, he is scare of this ride. Like Twinsmom said it's a relief, I am happy he finally conquered his fear of height. and ready for Adventure, Son?

After DimSum, we went to Northland Mall for window shopping.. the rule of us shopping are the following 4 catagoly. Must have, must do wan....

Came home, make some quick dinner.. and I make myself a colorful Diet salad..(my boss show me this recipe, it's good!!!!!!!!!)


Green / Red /Orange peppers
Greek salad dressing, i add more olive oil
pinch of sugar
Mayonaise (optional)

Wanna post my recipe to Cookblog, but still not register yet.. soon I have to get Marial to help me....

10 April 2006

Cook my weekend lunch with whatever I will find in my fridge and pantry.

I found pasta, mince pork meat, tomatoes, mushroom in can and green onions.

Ok, let cook pasta with tomato sauce. (I like to make mine Chinese style.)

My taste still quite a typical Malaysian Chinese. Although I've live here many many years, yet I have not change much when come to food.

Nowaday, buying Asian groceries or fresh food is very convenient, quite a lot of Asian groceries store available here. The best is Most Canadian Grocery Store have a section for imported food. One big Asian Grocery store will soon open near my house.

When I can't find some ingredient for my Malaysian Recipe, I will subsitute with other ingredient to modify the food a bit. It taste ok to my expectation. (I make my own Sambal, no chilli bo for sale here, I just use Vietnamese chilli sauce.) I have no complain compare with other Malaysian who live in smaller town where they are limited of Asian grocery stores.
(But I still miss all food in Malaysia, sometime my family or friend will bring me some exclusive food from Malaysia. )

Riding my rusted tricycle to Park (Sat)

I bought this old rusted second hand tricyle for Brayden last week, he is learning to pedal, and I saw this rusted tricyle fit his size well, I bought it for only $2.50. Reasonable price for a bike he might just ride for this year.

Ride to the Park, and his very first time daring to climb on the bar up to the top!

He always affraid of heights. (I may have something to do with this. When he was little, I grab him to stay away from "danger", I get panic and shout too much lah, now what happen?? He got scare!) He never play anything else except slide or the horsy in the Park.

Suprisely this time, he is ready for adventure. He wants to climb up up high! (of course with my help lah) That's a boy!

Aquarium plants

Hubby hobby.. More pictures (Aquarium plants)

07 April 2006

Matching Blocks game

Family game
This is a game Brayden's love to play..
Being the only child at home, he is very lonely, he always wants us to play with him, this is one game he love to play with us.

Let's begins......................

When he first start playing games, he hate losing.
We do not want this habbit to carry on, we just have to start winning him and train him is't OK to loose a game, just try harder next time. If he gets angry with us, we will not play with him keep on explaining to him until he understand.
Took sometimes for him to understand. Nowaday he just want to play until he wins. so far he petty good at this game. (He give me tips when we are playing..)

"mummy, flip this one, piggy over here" He sometime give me hint which to open (not selfish at all, all kids are so genuine)
"Think carefully, last few pieces will decide who will win."
"At last I am the winner"