28 May 2006

"特別日期" 特别意義

小時候至到成年時都盼望和等待"此日"來臨,每個人的"此日"都是對個人來說比較重要的"日子",往年的當"日"也只會想著為自己歡樂慶祝期待收密友的禮物來表示同親友人的祝福,大多時刻只想著自己歡樂這"特別天"可以有好多不同形式上來慶祝這種觀念是否社會中商業上的灌輸呢 ? 咁"特別天"真正的意義又是什麼?? H r m m mmm相信每個人有唔同想法,是沒有準則的至于現今嘅我却有另外一種體會,也只因是自己已身為人母而有所啟發吧 !

除此之 外父母點樣窮或辛苦供我们有屋住又有飽飯食,盡心力提供書教學灌輸人生大道理給我哋全家父母只為兒女勞心勞力做到最好從不計報酬父母精神甚至偉大!

雖然我不成大才也不是蟲, 脚踏實地再加小孝心也算是父母親的安慰吧!

以作表示今天我該向天空對我去世的媽媽大"..多謝您、懷念您、我愛您" 我知道媽媽係聽到嘅接收到嘅!之後再請爸爸食一餐好嘅!對我來說使用這種表示和觀念這"特別日"真正意義 。

我也要許個願﹕" 盼望自己、親人、朋友身體健康、平安快樂、世界和平" (最好一举多得再中个大.....正!......哈 )

26 May 2006

Congratulation to My dearest Nephew's

This is my Nephew's WhynHeng Daughter's Eunice ( just turn One year old couple of weeks ago).

His wife, YarLi just give birth to their Second baby in KL hospital. No detail yet, but we are very happy to hear both of them healthy especially my father, is his second great granddaughter's.


25 May 2006

Flowers 1

More flower pictures taken after I drop off my boy to Pre-School today (Thursday).

This is Lilac Flowers, there are many type of Lilac flowers, Syringa Vulgaris/Reflexa, I don't know the differences.
My colleague's Terry told me that Calgary have a Lilac Festival held every year in DownTown,, I live here for more than a decade, and seeing this blooming every Springs, I didn't know about this,, Shame on me.

These flowers also come in 7 colors, White/ purple/ Lavender/ Blue/ Violet/ Margenta, with very nice fragrant.....
.more pictures will post up later.....

20 May 2006

Playing with Nicholas

Last Tue & Wed, as MIL is still not fully recover, we asked Sharon for another favor to babysits Brayden for another week. A BIG "THANK YOU" to her for this big favor.

Sharon took some pictures of Brayden and Nicholas outside playing, these pictures capture their plays outside as if they are serious discussing and experiment how to use or play the toys.

I dedicated this to Maria, who desperate for Boy.. Blowing bubble...........0 ooo 0 ooOOOOoooO0ooIt was sunny and hot that day, look at them!!! Natural suntan, perhaps a bit sunburnt.

Pasta dinner on Monday

MondayWent to Chianti (Italian Restaurant) for "Pasta" day, all pasta for adult $6.99 Per order, Kid eat for $4.99.Served with warm white bread. Balsamic and Olive Oil on side for dipping.Boy boy makes funny faces while I take his pictures. (he said: stop taking pictures, mommy!)

18 May 2006

Flowers trees blossom in the city(could be cherry/crab apple/plum trees)

On my way to work on Tuesday, many trees blossom in white, pink and rose colors flowers. Arcoding to the expect here said that all these trees could be Cherry trees, Crab apple or plum trees.

These Pictues are taken around Huntingtons community, an older community's that has many mature trees are blossom now. It's almost end of the season, most flowers falling and some of the colors starting to fade out.
(Not the whole city fills with trees like this by the way, only in some area or in some people yard.)

(hey, greenapple, finally the Springs is here lor)

Pink flowers trees
( I saw row of Pink flowers trees in somebody backyard, so gorgeous! The flowers is releasing very nice fragrant too.)
White color Rose/Margenta flowersCombination colors, White and Margenta flowers trees side by side.

Below pictures taken in ChinaTown.Pink colors I like the Pink flowers better, but the color starting to fade out.......

This one here................ is our tree....................right infront of our house.with very tiny flowers, the smell too is nice.
(not as pretty as the other, but hey, it's green and fresh! The color of the leaves will turn into red color in the summer.)Maria,, I wish you are here to shoot some pictures with me ler...(start my training...)

14 May 2006

Flying Kite with daddy

Finally BoyBoy get to play the Kite, Daddy took him to soccer field flying this turtle kite
(My buddy Irene bought this for him on his 4th Birthday).
We live quite close to Airport. I capture both flying objects together.
Actually the kite is not that high, both look so close together, for a second thought, I wonder we can fly a kite there?

Thank you Sharon

Thanks to my friend's Sharon, who babysits Brayden for us on Last Tuesday and Wednesday.
Grandma is still sick and I need to let her rest well without worry about Brayden, and Sharon give us a helping hand babysits Brayden when I work that 2 days.

playing Mable shooting..........
Have lunch together
She have 2 boys, oldest boy's Shawn is 10 years old and Nicholas is 3 1/2, Very cute boy who don't speak very much Cantonese, just English... (where his parent is from HongKong, speak good Cantonese,, ) :>
A very active boy with cute smile,, I adore him.

My boy very shy when he arrived there, and wanting to ensure I call his dad to pick him up, He told me: "Nah, pls tell daddy HeiHei is in Auntie Sharon house, pick him up, OK!"

Now, no more second thought, he wants to go back there again.

Sharon's backyard grow few roles of Tulip flowers, it's so pretty, took some shots and take this chance to tell her Thank you. (I know sometime she visit this blog .)

13 May 2006

Happy Mother's Day 母親節

的 安娜賈維思(Anna M. Jarvis ,1864-1948)與她母親安娜麗絲賈維思(Anna Rees Jarvis)感情至深。當她母親去世後2年,她在母親所屬的衛理教會舉行一個紀念儀式。儀式中,會場以安娜母親最喜愛的白色康乃馨佈置,用以代表母愛的 甜美、純潔與永恆,自此此後,康乃馨代表著母親節。

(infomation from internet)

Something My boy make for me (help from Playschool teachers.)

11 May 2006

Whats in my 手袋呢 ?

星期一聽一点钟的中文Radio,Brenda (DJ's)講到張柏芝被某一个电视訪問中叫佢倒晒手袋裡面的野出來被人睇‧当時佢也很鱷然、而Brenda話依D咁私隱的野、点可以公開咧...、不過栢芝也照做‧将手袋的野通通公開‧

哈!前幾日、好似平時咁上網睇Twinsmom Blogs (就有如每日睇報纸咁或者又好似朝頭早擦牙洗面必做D動作!) 暇!......... 今日佢寫自己旣手袋有乜東東係裡面... 咁巧合 about what I heard over the Radio on Monday 旣.
Eeeeeeeeeer............... 最後佢也pass on this game to many others blogger to do the same,,

好!來!我就洩露我小部份的私隱、來------- >>>>>

This is the bag I use for this weeks,, When I work,, I like to change my Rectangle shape bag,, easy to carry some books to work...or perhaps more room for more garbage.. :>I love Sheep thingie, so I have my sheep key chain with meThis was a bag I use last week, I have many bags, maybe I will blog about all my bags one day,,,
This Agnes b. green bag cost me less than $5/ ler.... Bag 入面有依D大部份師奶们有旣嘢lor.........
由 此睇來我冇乜特别咧... 果个Madagasga手表係仔仔旣、留左係我Bag倒‧我用來睇时间囉!(oh, my hand phone too, Only one in my family,, quite outdated,, I don't mind. )
冇乜胭脂水粉、不過我面色麻麻、口唇膏係帮我添色彩、唔要睇到似黄面婆嗎! (不過横睇直睇、我冇乜边到似過左30歺果隻呱!)
Closer Look..........Inside my 荷包............ Ai ya,, many garbage lah,Expire coupon , Expire Mother's day gift card(from my boss, must use on May 7), so sayang... 不過有冇出過錢,其實並冇损失喔!

I also have many department stores Reward cards (Since I shop there, I may as well get it lor). We have redeem many things like Juicer, Blender, Stainless Steel pots, Air miles(Air travel tickets), ect..
I have 2 credit cards,, not too many cash,(I use master card, when someplace use only Visa, I will have it then.) Anywhere that accept Master card, I use it (To collect point for my grocery, you can't imagine the money I save on my groceries) . 講俾你聽!(whispering) 我連买杯咖啡都俾card架 ($1.50)‧D鬼佬鬼婆鋪頭唔理你用卡找数架 !不過有D唐人鋪頭 or "一蚊" 店 要超25蚊先正收卡‧我冇必要也不帮襯依D店‧ (when my KL buddies came to visit me, they think I am gila lah, that how I think of them too, this call Jitmat-Cermat mar)

I Also carry my son, myself and my father Health care cards, Driver Licence, pop corns/ greeting reward cards, anystore I shop give you stamp for each purchase, I have it, why not ler.........

內面也有coupon lar,, 單 lar,, lotto 6/49 (博即日做有钱人吗! 你話有边个唔係咁想呢?)

除左博采券、也有Raincheck from Zellers, (A Department store)
Most store will provide Raincheck when particular sale item that goes on sale run out of stock, unless specify no Raincheck. With the Raincheck, you can still buy the product anytime with the Sale price even the sale has expired.


Aiii, Siapa saya mau sibuk tengok dia punya bag ler ?
Just talked to few friends in KL, they said they visit my blog too, just not a member to log on to comment,, so I am signing up for them one by one, (most of them lazy mama, lazy missy, lazy papa, some are PC 障礙物,要踢先正旭D friends)

Mean time, Show me your money,,, Reveal whats in your bag, *** hypnotised........ Hrmmmm
Fanmama (when you return from Vacation)
Greenapple (wonder she knows she being tag)
err what about ...
-->You( who read this that have not being summon yet.. yar, can ar,, No problem?)

08 May 2006



Timer響了、仔仔大声叫:"妈咪、钟響啦!我冲完啦! 唔驶洗头咧!"(仔仔好怕用番皂洗头、有時自己淋濕自己嘅头當洗完‧我就唔会再帮佢洗‧古古怪怪咁!)

我入去bathroom到聞到好香皂味!也感奇怪!一打开shower curtain...

嘩!佢将我大半樽baby body shampoo倒完做鹼泡泡‧整个bath tub 都泡泡........

佢話:"唔好嬲啦! 我搽番鹼泡冲凉吗!" 整个tub铺满泡泡

过 到下午仔仔有D唔舒服,訓咗一陣nap,我煲左D粥仔俾佢食‧
傍 晚佢吃完粥嘔少少野出来,又complaine 头好痛,之後有少少發燒,我俾咗Children Tylenor佢食,又再嘔同哭着話头好痛,我问佢有冇跌趁个头,佢話係个sofa跌洛地毯上‧雖然只有唔到一尺高,我也唔想再拖延时间,去兒童医院 check一check安心D‧但係仔仔唔要去,我為有用我一个珍藏品"LittlePet公仔"氹佢,最後佢要去、留公仔係屋企、睇完医生番來再開个 toy玩‧(驚人拿左佢旣toy咁!

一路上佢也好唔舒服‧到医院Emergency排咗一个钟,仔仔話好左冇头痛,而男護士帮佢做 check up聽肚肚時,仔仔好醒目,深呼吸,再吐气,但係仔仔呼到好快,又呼又吐又呼又吐,搅到个男護士叫佢"just breath normal" 好搅笑‧
因为男護士話仔仔唔似有head injury不过的肺好似有少少雜声,加上仔仔係阿爺阿嫲屋企果兩日兩位老人家病咗,留低再俾医生再check清楚D‧


终 於Dortor Grims 入來,再Check 仔仔肚肚時,仔仔又好似好醒目,深呼吸,再吐气,又呼又吐又呼又吐‧个肚仔又漲又缩又漲又缩!

Dr.Grims笑住話: "good breathing,Brayden, it's help me to hear a lot better" We all laugh. But Brayden still think he is such a good Breather.

He asked: "Dr. No more headtache, can I go home?" (I teach him this when he kept asking us when can he go home and I told him to ask the doctor in English)

Dr.Grims:"few more checks, O.K?"

终於醫生話冇事,大機会係感染到爺爺D病菌,冇感染到阿嫲D肺炎也唔会係Head Injury,Head Injury 唔会發燒架!

番屋企时,我話我有帶"little pet toy來,佢旣然話我 :"我講唔要帶來!妳点解帶出來架?"
Mommy心想:***好心冇好報! "仔仔好忍得添,真係等到番來慢慢打开玩!" 唉!有D後悔送咗我旣珍寶俾佢! 眼白白睇住佢玩我旣 .... ...... ...... ...... ....