31 December 2007

Year end? 年尾了嗎?

last day of 2007..........年尾了嗎?

18 December 2007

I am down so is my PC..電腦亦患病了

When I am sick with coughing, it will drag on for weeks, take ages to recover,, very difficult to get rid of it fast,, just have to wait patiently....and let my body guards (good bugs) to fight off the bad bugs..My PC is down (using my 2boys PC now), my Geek-Squad (my husband) is fixing it now, this means no Assistance (Photoshop or Coreldraw programs) to help me finished my drawing.. and I have some illo I drew on my sketch book, I am unable to publish it yet. However, I went to my Facebook Graffiti wall to draw cause I am in the mood to draw (but quite a challenge, so hard to draw with the mouse, no layer, no tools options, I got too spoil by the Photoshop and my W.Tablet !).
At first I have no idea what to draw but the picture form slowly, here are all my illos I drew today...Christmas Holidays only 7 days away, here is my greeting to ALL.......... Have a Happy and safe Holidays! (All these graphic is free, please leave me a note when you use it.. Enjoy!)
我生病了, 同樣地電腦亦患病了, 使我無法使用Photoshop Program完成我先前繪草圖, 又想畫, 我唯有用Facebook的Graffiti Wall畫, 我畫了以上圖過癮一下!

平安快樂, 並賀新禧!

13 December 2007

I am so ill , 生病了

No post just because I am......... Excuse me,,, cough! cough!....non-stop coughing is draining all my energy..唉!惨!生病了... 咳 咳 咳 咳咳咳........ 救命呀!

06 December 2007

A Lucky star A Happiness Star 星福

Hello... Today, I go extra miles with my Illustrations.......
ET's talked about finding Happiness and found Happiness.
Now, Can you find Happiness? Can you find Love ? How you define your Happiness?
For me - Simple heart is a journey to find happiness.


05 December 2007

Boy Boy performing in tonite concert! 表演會

Tonite. is the nite, boy boy will perform his First Kindergarten Christmas Concert in his school.

He told us: " Mom and Dad, I am performing tonite, you all have to come and watch!OK?"

Of Course, my master! We will not want to miss it in the world!

今晚仔仔有份参加学校舉行的聖誕節演奏會, 雖然不是第一次上台、不過是仔仔第一次在幼兒班表演哦!今晚一是會很精釆喲!

04 December 2007

My first Christmas Present. (Part 1)

Today, I drew a precious moment in my childhood life. I also dedicated this to my three sisters especially to my eldest sister's MPing in Malaysia, my cousins too.

In the old days, my family is quite poor, with 6 kids to feed, mom and dad have no education background, they work hard labor, my oldest sister's is the one who take care all of us while parent gone to work. Feeding us is a huge expenses, never mind having toy to play.

We heard many story about Christmas back then, about Santa Claus brings toys to kids during Christmas day. Many kids are dream to be the lucky one who Santa will bring them one toy, that's all, and we just need one toy.

When I was about 6 or 7 years old, that year, my oldest sister decided to gave us (2 sisters and I am the youngest, and my 3 cousins) a special celebrations for Christmas day (just giving us the fun and joy of Holiday), she took us nearby village where we live to hunt for a Christmas tree. And I drew the moment when we were all out there looking for it. (Oh, I still have 2 big brothers, they were in their teenagers, they not in to this childish plan qua!??... I can't remember where were they,, probably chasing girls that time.)

This was a special moment, a classic moment that in my memory that last for last time. I thank you to my Eldest sister MPing for doing such a memorable event for us, making us believing dream can come true. Thanks! Sis.

(To be continue....)

(One reason why I always write English and Chinese Version, is because my eldest sister is a banana, she was English Educated-- an Assunta Grade student.. my nieces and nephews in Canada too a banana, also my buddy in KL also Banana,, but I have buddies who Chinese Ed, just like me! So I wrote in both languages, not that I am good in both languages, mind you quite broken, though. Hey, those who know me, understand me alright lar !!)

03 December 2007

BoyBoy and BaoBao 孩子們感動我的心

Today, when I hopped to ET's blog, and we (me and my boy) watched the video, it was so special to know .. Thank you! And it inspire me to draw this, I drew this pictures of two boys, my boy Brayden and ET's boy BaoBao, I was thinking about the moment when my Boy meet her Bao-bao..
For you ET and BaoBao.

一幅插畫是因為我被感動! 有時一点点好聽的話或著是用一些行動來告許我這些作品是被支持的是那麽令人動!這幅畫你是否能感應到呢?

Below Christmas card specially drawn for Terrick, who always help me upload my stuff to my blogs and managed my blog site,, did you see the tabs up there? All of these work was done by Terrick! Thank you Terrick!
Please check out the stuffs in the tabs! And if you like please tell us what you think! Enjoy!

02 December 2007

Julia's art work. 一起來欣賞Julia's 美麗圖畫

I can't resist to show you this, this is my pal in Malaysia (who are still a Commercial work Artist) Julia's art work.(Julia drew us ---> This is me and boyboy)
We used to work together in Preston Publishing in P.J, Malaysia. She was a teacher but her passion to draw makes her quite her real job and become an artist. She is a great friend's and my senior too. Mind you, some of your Secondary school text books back in the 90th, especially Science book, most of the illustrations drawn by Julia kah! She is very detail and neat at her work! but she hate it when the supervisor hand her pile of Organs to draw.... Just because she is the one with the detail hand work,, who else in the department can do wor! Me..end up with tiny miner work lor! But those days were the best days for me.

We remain good friendship even after I've migrated to Canada with my family. Because of many reasons, I end up in different work field- Electronic- Nortel (hmm, I will talk about it later)
From time to time, I still received her unique work pictures. In the pass few year, she more in Flash animations, I admire her work her talent. I am here to show off her work. Aren't they great!
Julia是我在大馬工作(Preston Publishing Inc.) 的同事,她是一位多材多藝的人呀! 本來是一位中文老師,只因她太愛繪画了,所以丟掉書本放棄做為人師表去做Artist囉!就這樣她一直在這一行打滾多年。現在她專做Flash Animation。

我們不同時间進入Preston Publishing 工作,有緣成為了同事,Julia可是我師姐,我喜歡跟她學東西。(我雖笨不過又乖又很醒目哦、哈!所以她不嫌我煩的!。)在Preston 工作時我們部門里也只有我們倆位女生,噢!還有Supervisor也是女的 Jennifer(她也對我很好的),男同事有阿害羞Thio, Simon (都是out station guys), 有錢仔Micheal 還有..两個是..also outstation guys.唉....忘了,大都份都是Art Grade 的,只有我....沒有,所以我只是做小毛的art-work...不過做的很開心、除了怕見到打字部們的什么PamJit... Julia, 還記的那個古老十八的阿怪PamJit吧!?妳還記得她那莫樣嗎?有機会畫一畫她好嗎?

多年來我們一直有聯絡的,只有那堆男同事一個一個都很懶,通通失去聊絡了,而Julia時不時也會寄一些她 工作的的照片給我,令我很羨慕她一直在這一行做了不少出色的master pieces, 好像早之前有很多大節日,比如聖誕節呀、過年呀和等等在大商場或洒店的Display,也可能是她傑作呢!

29 November 2007

IF- The Zoo - 動物園的動物坐火車逃走了

I managed to finished my illo for this week IF theme (last day yar.) -- The Zoo
My version is about the Zoo animals escaped and run to the wide, they are going by train...
My Boy insists to have his favorite reptiles in there, so, there is a snake and a crocodile. Hmm, I am not sure which Background is nicer? I post them all.I am getting better in my time, from sketch to finished.. yer,,This is my rough sketch, and the final work always look abit different, that's how I work, I don't know, hard to come out the exact pictures until I have to finished my artwork. Just me!

太好了,可以完成這個星期IF的entry, 這一群動物園的動物坐火車逃走了、自由了,不用被困在gate里過日子,不過自由自在的日子是要付出的,以後就要自己找東西吃了!


28 November 2007

so tired,,,累死人

This week, I am so so tired, busy with house-work, clean, cook, driving to and from swimming and school, after that have boyboy school home-work, volunteer at school, and I wanting to draw in the same time...just don't have enough time!

我好累! 一早起來,就忙忙忙,中间也有時间休息(仔仔只上三個小時幼兒班),但是不到一會兒就要開始活動.....累死人!我跟仔仔爸爸complained: "我要空间,我也要被人"服待""
他們倆連忙去做... 大的帮我洗碗(不過用dish washer)
小的說: " 媽咪做咩咁"蜢"哦 ? 不如我自己一路吃飯一路睇電視,咁你咪有時间囉!我俾你去画嘢啦!去啦!"
吓! 這樣算不算"帮輕了"???

" Above just in my imagination, if this happen while I am taking a nap, I wonder how I willlllllllllll.........RESPOND! good thing boyboy old enough to know, my sketches are not to be touch!

ET posted about her little BoaBoa crying out loud for some reason, and I like to try to imagine what she is saying. Hey, ET, is this what you meant? Didn't have time to color it,,, in my pending file........

27 November 2007

Special Birthday wishes to ...祝Terrick哥哥

Today is Terrick's birthday. A fine young man like a nephew to me, who also helping me organized my web pages, did you notice the tabs above? Yer, Terrick helps me to set it up, cool and neat, er! I am liking my blog so much ler! Some pages still under construction, bear with us,, will soon announce it and will have cut ribbon ceremony, then it will be open for business...... haha joking! but under construction is real !

Thanks Terrick, and Have a Happy Happy Birthday and many happy returns.
Terrrick 哥哥,我媽咪說今天是你的生日,媽咪說弄一個蛋糕送給你,祝你生日快樂,還有謝謝你帮媽咪的website弄得好整齊和漂亮呢!連爸爸也說好哩。Terrrick 哥哥,生日快樂!

25 November 2007

One Day I shall draw like a pro...畫出彩虹來...

You know, I draw during my leisure time, but just kept to myself, since I posted my drawing, I was surprised my illo is well like, I received many compliments and good feedback, it gives me real booster, I am more fervent to draw. Thanks to you.
A very special Thanks to Huisia, I am flatter whereby you think my drawing can cheer you up, I am very please to know it. Thank you!
I begin to practice more now and I am getting quite comfortable about my drawing, I am thinking I have a lot to improve, I am still finding my style and inner me in illustration, I need to explore and keep on practicing, because practice make perfect!
Someday, I am hoping I can draw like a real professional children art illustrator.一 向我對自已的畫感到幼稚,沒有market 價值, 沒什么大不了,但是我最愛它,在悠閒的時间,我最享受画画作樂了。不過之從我貼出一些圖畫之後,意外收到大家的好評,使我感到又驚又喜,也令我增加信心。 (嘻!喜歡就畫呀!那,該嘛我之前想那么多 ? 怕顯醜囉!失敗吧?)

我告許自己慢慢來吧!慢慢找出自己畫畫的風格,嘿! 有一天我可能可以畫出彩虹的一天!不是盼什么傑出之作,不能給自己壓力,或著給自巳一個大的標準,不可以,我是一個很lay-back的人,加上年級不小啦 (roll eye..),不可以要求過高,受不了壓力的,只希望有一天我能顯出屬於""自己獨特風格,我就滿足了........(就是沒大志 ,哈 ...........)

24 November 2007

For a Crazy Women..

Today my illo is For a Crazy Chinese Lady in the Ang Moh Town and her little Miracle...
To whom living in East coast, I hope this will make your day better.......

22 November 2007

today's illo in Facebook 今天我畫...

很多時侯我會跟仔仔分享我和姐姐們童年的趣事,我仔仔很愛聽,每次都会叫我重複我所講的童年趣事,說多了,我仔仔好像自己也潛入我童年的世界裡,比如說好像我二姐(超極大胆小鬼的她,從不怕死!)在樹叢裡爬上樹、拿鳥築巢玩等等,所以仔仔很渴望能體驗這種玩意,可惜他mamee我這么胆小又偏執,每次看到他似做危險動作,我心也差不多跳出來,大声喊,連忙趕上前阻止、阻擋啦!(仔仔心想: 我的天!真掃興! 他爸爸說我 : " 本來沒事俾你咁大動作,沒事嘟變有事囉!") 所以那有機会"冒險"呀!仔仔,你要爬上樹就只能有画中了。I drew 3 pictures in Facebook today, this one here is boy boy with singing birdy in the forest. somewhere safe, fearless and fun.
I often told him about me and my sibling childhood life in Malaysia. He loves hearing every bits of it. I told him about his favorites Auntie's E. a good trees claimber , it's fun and better than toys game, he loves to try one day, but I am very paranoid whenever I seen him in some sort of danger actions, would I let him try climbing? not now lar, I guess only in imagination now, so, I drew this.
Boyboy loves birds too, influenced by his cousin's Courtney, ever since he learn about birds, he loves carrying his bird book to identify what birds he sees and label it.

21 November 2007


這一堆花是她要我送給大家 。(好重啦!不過只要Mamee畫的開心,大家看的開心就不重啦!)Thank you for lovely and encouraging messages, This is my boy carrying whole bunch of flowers for all of you, it's to show my sincere thanks and appreciation!

18 November 2007

How I do this illo 劃畫的過程

I first make some sketches, ( my head empty all the time, so, I usually will dig out all boyboy books and get some idea to start. See! I am not that creative kah, I need lots of references from the books, some credit will need to go to them..)Next--> I will ink it and I scaned the picture Final step - I finish it in my Photoshop, I will paint and touch up the illustration.

I only do this when I want a detail effects, other time, I just draw straight from my computer (most time I use my Wacom tablet to draw, but if I am working on the other computer, I will be stuck drawing with a soap bar--> the mouse!).
I drew this illo for E.T. I hope she like it!

Below artwork created by my我師姐BoBo的主人 Yu, a former colleague's in Preston Publishing, see, guys, she is talented in drawing and writing poem too.

15 November 2007

你畫一本兒童書好嗎?draw a children book..

有位朋友留言問我: "你畫一本兒童書好嗎?"我行嗎?
這句話令我忽然想畫,但我在想我能否畫出整個故事的圖畫嗎? 我行嗎?

A friend's left me a message and said: " Would you draw a children book for fun ?" Ha?!? I wonder am I good enough?
And this moment she inspire me to draw, I drew this. But then........ I still wonder, am I good enough to draw a good quality of artwork ? I know I am lack of confidence, I guess this is just who I am!

14 November 2007

謝謝大家給我的讚揚 thanks for the compliment..

今天忙了一早,終於有時間blog、咦!怎會那麽快有多個留言呢? (我一向是冷門者嗎!家人和有些朋友們從不留言的,一來他們沒有account, 二來是電惱白痴,雖帮他們sign up 了還不懂的log in!) 打開看一看...嘩 ! 那裡,那裡!太客氣了! 我的画那來那麽好?? (不過我現照單全收! 丟臉)

我臉也紅了呢!原來大家也瞞喜歡看我劃的畫。我一向都貼出一些digital scrap pictures,是一些我拿手嗜好,(也比較熟悉和精通這一面嗎!) 獲得家人和朋友們給了我很多好的反應,但是我皮毛的画在此刻還想不到大家同樣喜歡; 還有我師姐BoBo的主人 Yu說我曾是illustrator,唉呀! 當年在Preston Publishing (still in business mar?) 我只是做一些很小毛的繪畫,阿Yu姐オ是其中一個真正包辨一本又一本書的illustrator's、我當年職位是paste up artist吧了,還談不上什么illustrator啦!不過也真正謝謝師姐的抬舉了,再加上各位留下這麽好的美言,我很感動!原來我劃的画也有吸引力地方,那好!我要加油!好好練習!

E.T. 千萬別那樣說,難的有人喜歡我的作品,我很開心呀!随便拿吧!不過也真謝謝妳、Huisia, mama bok 為常客亦支持我多時!

Terrick,你也是creative的年青人哩!你別客氣多給我意見、無限歡迎 ! 你在上個post說你prefer那酒杯的画、你知道那幅画有什么思意嗎?
我是劃給我姪兒的,也是一位精力充沛年青一族!我說他現在的生活一定少不了啤酒和愛情密友! 看來你也一樣囉! ar har... 沒關係,年青人嗎!

Thank you for all the kind words about my previous illo , I will try to have more posted in future.

以下是今天在facebook画的作品 *Today's I drew ..Pictures in below created by boyboy, (with little help from mommy)Title: mommy, me and a giant dog.

13 November 2007

silly me, sorry me........來不及save就完了

我的天! 太過份了,我我............唉!都怪那支笔的design,不小心按到筆中的button,令我的圖畫來不及save就完了........討厭 Wacom 你的笔害了我!
Ai yarrr yar,,, I delected all my previous graffiti plus the one I just drew for my Niece's Adelyn, her favorites team-->Calgary flame............
Lucky this one managed to save before I press the button on my Wacom Pen,, I hate the back button on my Wacom pen, gotta to give feedback to the manufacturer,,,,,,poor design, cost my hard work disappeared! (my fault too,, I can make setting with the pen kah mar, just didn't get to it)

12 November 2007

My Graffiti in Facebook

二姐在生日前送了我Wacom tablet, 我很少用它呢,主要是仔仔已開始上學了,每天也真的忙的不停,有空閒時間也選擇坐一坐回回气,所以很少練習了。
不過今天我在Facebook中的 graffiti wall畫了幾幅畫練習一下,本來以為這application中只有pen和調色两種tools 吧了、這麽limited會很難畫吧!平常習慣用的applications,可有千化萬變的tools用來創作,這這個只有pen and color selection, 怎樣開始呢?
I was using the graffiti application in Facebook to draw, in this application there's only a few tools available, very limited tools as I have use to commercial drawing software, finally I drew a few pictures for friends and family in their facebook wall.
To my surprise how much I can draw with just a pen tool and color selections. It's easy and fun.. I miss drawing during my leisure time, illustration is something I enjoy to do and love doing it! I will have to make more time and spend it to practice my drawing with the Wacom tablet that my sister bought for me months ago.This one here drawn by my boy, can you see what is it? 這是仔仔的創作,你看到什麽呢?

10 November 2007

Tell the world about these 3 bullies. 平反!

This is unacceptable! When I read one of ET post today, I am piss off! Got to tell the world too.
3 morons bully an old man a trishaw rider, watch the video and scold them big, send them personal messages here.

Look at them! These 2 immoral assholes, ignorant brat big kids, so SICK! I feel sorry for their parent, does their children know "Respect"? What a shame they brought to their family!
They said they were Drunk when video it, but I am sure they weren't drunk when they upload the video to Youtube, where are their conscientiousness? Drunk is not an excuse for this few minutes harassments! F...!
To express their sincere apologies (their 2 apologies out on tube is not good enough to show they sincere.), go back and look for Mr.Lee in person and face to face to apology, show the world they mean it!
Watch the video, you will see what I mean.