02 April 2007

Beautiful Grandnieces in KL

Receive some beautiful pictures from my niece S.F in KL.
I can wait, touch it up and to show off this two little princess____my grand nieces*(my oldest Nephew W.H and Yar-Li daughters)* Eunice and Wen-Xin.
Haven't have a chance to meet them in person yet (Oh, even Twinsmom already met them, but not their grand auntie's ME!) , but by looking at pictures from time to time, I do feel I am close to them. Sister's Elaine went home and saw them, told me so much about this gals cute story.. I hope I can meet and cuddle them right now. Brother Leong and two little princess- grand-daughters-大哥同两个小公主.
好cute-ty 呀!紅blog-blogD小孩子等我來抱抱先..(唉!不過如果叫佢哋叫我..唔知應唔應佢哋好..coz..佢哋會叫我着----- .......姑婆哦...年紀輕輕嘅我..边度似阿婆级呢! 我嘅级位係轉統D叫法係时候更改吓‧要變通吓啦!不過十分幸福有靓靓姪孫女嘅!)
Kiss..x..Just so lovely.................... I love them....


Anonymous said...

Such cutie pies.. ;)

MayY . C 五月媽媽 said...

Yar,, they are,,sweet and cute

LHS said...

Ya ya..both of the are so adorable!

MayY . C 五月媽媽 said...

thanks Huisia,, always love girls,, can dress them up like a doll mar.