星期一聽一点钟的中文Radio,Brenda (DJ's)講到張柏芝被某一个电视訪問中叫佢倒晒手袋裡面的野出來被人睇‧当時佢也很鱷然、而Brenda話依D咁私隱的野、点可以公開咧...、不過栢芝也照做‧将手袋的野通通公開‧
Twinsmom Blogs (就有如每日睇報纸咁或者又好似朝頭早擦牙洗面必做D動作!) 暇!......... 今日佢寫自己旣
手袋有乜東東係裡面... 咁巧合 about what I heard over the Radio on Monday 旣.
Eeeeeeeeeer............... 最後佢也pass on this game to many others blogger to do the same,,
好!來!我就洩露我小部份的私隱、來------- >>>>>
This is the bag I use for this weeks,, When I work,, I like to change my Rectangle shape bag,, easy to carry some books to work...or perhaps more room for more garbage.. :>
I love Sheep thingie, so I have my sheep key chain with me
This was a bag I use last week, I have many bags, maybe I will blog about all my bags one day,,,
This Agnes b. green bag cost me less than $5/ ler....
Bag 入面有依D大部份師奶们有旣嘢lor.........
由 此睇來我冇乜特别咧... 果个Madagasga手表係仔仔旣、留左係我Bag倒‧我用來睇时间囉!(oh, my hand phone too, Only one in my family,, quite outdated,, I don't mind. )
冇乜胭脂水粉、不過我面色麻麻、口唇膏係帮我添色彩、唔要睇到似黄面婆嗎! (不過横睇直睇、我冇乜边到似過左30歺果隻呱!)
Closer Look..........Inside my 荷包............
Ai ya,, many garbage lah,Expire coupon , Expire Mother's day gift card(from my boss, must use on May 7), so sayang... 不過有冇出過錢,其實並冇损失喔!
I also have many department stores Reward cards (Since I shop there, I may as well get it lor). We have redeem many things like Juicer, Blender, Stainless Steel pots, Air miles(Air travel tickets), ect..
I have 2 credit cards,, not too many cash,(I use master card, when someplace use only Visa, I will have it then.) Anywhere that accept Master card, I use it (To collect point for my grocery, you can't imagine the money I save on my groceries) . 講俾你聽!(whispering) 我連买
杯咖啡都俾card架 ($1.50)‧D鬼佬鬼婆鋪頭唔理你用卡找数架 !不過有D唐人鋪頭 or "一蚊" 店 要超25蚊先正收卡‧我冇必要也不帮襯依D店‧ (when my KL buddies came to visit me, they think I am gila lah, that how I think of them too, this call Jitmat-Cermat mar)
I Also carry my son, myself and my father Health care cards, Driver Licence, pop corns/ greeting reward cards, anystore I shop give you stamp for each purchase, I have it, why not ler.........
內面也有coupon lar,, 單 lar,, lotto 6/49 (博即日做有钱人吗! 你話有边个唔係咁想呢?)
Raincheck from
Zellers, (A Department store)
Most store will provide Raincheck when particular sale item that goes on sale run out of stock, unless specify no Raincheck. With the Raincheck, you can still buy the product anytime with the Sale price even the sale has expired.睇完我D淋淋瀋瀋嘢、由此睇來你对我有何了解呢??Aiii, Siapa saya mau sibuk tengok dia punya bag ler ?
Just talked to few friends in KL, they said they visit my blog too, just not a member to log on to comment,, so I am signing up for them one by one, (most of them lazy mama, lazy missy, lazy papa, some are PC 障礙物,要踢先正旭D friends)
Mean time, Show me your money,,, Reveal whats in your bag, *** hypnotised........ Hrmmmm Fanmama (when you return from Vacation)
Greenapple (wonder she knows she being tag)
err what about ...
-->You( who read this that have not being summon yet.. yar, can ar,, No problem?)