30 April 2007

clean up like daddy

Every weekend hubby will clean up his 2 of his water tanks ( a water plants tank and gold fish tank ), I am quite proud of these water plants he grow so well and so pretty to watch, (look at the tall plant that stick out the tank, it will flowers too.) I think it's just because he maintain it well with patient and cares.
Boy boy loves to help out, but there's always things he can't do or touch, so, he imitate his father to clean the tank, he took his mini gage (with toy lizard as pet) to upstairs bathroom and said to me he needs to borrow my cleaning sponges to start his clean up job. There he is..

26 April 2007

nieces birthday

I almost forgot about all my nieces birthday this month..
There is S.F in KL, young Elaine in Vancouver..
Happy Birthday girls.

23 April 2007

buddy at play

"Wow,,,,, job well done, Son" in mother or his Aunt's eyes, this is a Master piece.
Boy Boy is really closed to my sister's E. She got a lot of patient with him, and he got a lot of love to her. Kids are simple minded, when they can feel the genuine love, they will returns tons of love..
E can spend whole day playing with Boy Boy, and she will listen to him whatever he likes her to do, how to play, what to play.. Just like this picture here, he wants his Aunt's to sit on the chair for him to draw a portrait..
She spoil him. Honestly, Most parent like their kids to beloved by anyone..especially family members. E not just spoiling him, she very kind to my family, I really appreciate her loves to us.
(mind you, I too take a lots of granted on my sisters... like get them take me out dinner or get me some goodies..all because they are my older sisters, they got no choice! Wahahaha ( maybe they do?) The real reasons is I always being a nice, well behave and lovable sister lor :P .
Not to forget to mentioned my oldest sister in Malaysia, a sister's who have a good heart and with lots of unconditional love to our family,
I really appreciate and thankful to this family. 我..真的不枉此生! )This is baby boaboa, Et's son.. thank Et,, you are a very kind person!

Weekend Brunch

This Weekend Brunch, we had.. this>> I've make Hong Kong Style Egg sandwiches, and instant noodle. Honestly, making juicy and delicious egg sandwiches is quite unhealthy, the eggs need a lot of oil to keep the meat runny and tender, I believe this is an only way to cook tasty eggs sandwiches.
I use olive oil (substitute butter with old fashion recipe), I also throw away some egg yolks, to reduce some cholesterol mar, eating a bit healthy but still not losing the taste too much,, feel less guilt!
Everyone know instant noodle is not healthy choice, sometime the body system calling for MSG... got to feed the brain cell oh... Again, to make a balance meal, I also added veggie and meat, only pour out half pack MSG seasoning. Mentally feel less guilty qua!
Well, once in a while a treat, can't die! Yumm.. But hubby said next time pour out the whole pack MSG wor!

20 April 2007

picture of art_ 彈力 ; 活力

Spring is here , 一躍而起 , 奔出門去
來 ! 一起飛.........
Let's Jump high...Free the mind!Yogurt, yum...want some?Art from Text..

16 April 2007


上星期心神有D D混淆憂慮,一唔小心自己從樓梯跌落幾极,達親個羅pat,扭親個頸,痛死!

坐係度時,眼淚湧出不停,老公同仔好好安慰‧我主要係掛心吧(加上又跌痛)!心掛住親屬唔想我帮佢了,但有多一人陪同,一齊計劃,多人支持住意志會更強 嗎!?所以令我又担心佢會 堅持多久呢?其實我知佢人一向本善,工作上又醒又聰明,如果能做回當年嘅佢,再攪好自己的方向同堅守住踏實人生目標,一定人見人喜歡!為何在公作上佢表現出色‧又冇用同樣價值觀对自己呢?

而今次佢選擇自已賞試去換新環境再建立新生活、自省、獨處理,馮自已决意改去唔好的習慣,只不過我又担心佢意志堅持不定,就不能持 久,仍然迷途不能自拔‧創傷的彌補也非一朝一夕的事,承認自己的事實,釋放自己係一條比較難走出的第一步,若果能大開心窗,勇敢面對堅守到底,心結就易釋解,再向前走就能百戰百勝!

佢之前話佢今次會達到目標,重修同改變,好事‧可能佢要為某一件心事而改,此事令佢受到好大打擊好唔開心痛心,從來未見過佢咁認真同傷感到失晒落、憂愁、苦悶,受到此事打激好重,所以更加增加佢決心‧要有勇氣面對及處理殊不容易,我盼望今次事件可令佢有大推動力,推向長遠目標做個快樂人,唔現實的幻想世界只会令佢飄忽不定, 浪費人生。為什麼原因、理由去改變也好,祇要對的,我們會默默無限量的支持!盼堅定的動力可以令佢達成心願,努力!就拿挫折嘅事如上了人生一課,所謂「經一事,長一智」透過經歷去學習吧!要更懂得珍惜眼前一切,由現在開始再種下幼苗的心仍未遲..堅特下去別再走回不歸路了。人生充滿希望‧實行方面並非難事,祇在呼你同我如何選擇咋!


09 April 2007



I pray hard!

02 April 2007

Beautiful Grandnieces in KL

Receive some beautiful pictures from my niece S.F in KL.
I can wait, touch it up and to show off this two little princess____my grand nieces*(my oldest Nephew W.H and Yar-Li daughters)* Eunice and Wen-Xin.
Haven't have a chance to meet them in person yet (Oh, even Twinsmom already met them, but not their grand auntie's ME!) , but by looking at pictures from time to time, I do feel I am close to them. Sister's Elaine went home and saw them, told me so much about this gals cute story.. I hope I can meet and cuddle them right now. Brother Leong and two little princess- grand-daughters-大哥同两个小公主.
好cute-ty 呀!紅blog-blogD小孩子等我來抱抱先..(唉!不過如果叫佢哋叫我..唔知應唔應佢哋好..coz..佢哋會叫我着----- .......姑婆哦...年紀輕輕嘅我..边度似阿婆级呢! 我嘅级位係轉統D叫法係时候更改吓‧要變通吓啦!不過十分幸福有靓靓姪孫女嘅!)
Kiss..x..Just so lovely.................... I love them....