31 December 2006

See you next year...

End of the day, end of the year of 2006.. It was a good year and welcome another good year of 2007.

17 December 2006

Happy 1st Birthday FanFan

A big 1st year BIRTHDAYWish to cute little boy_FanFan.

03 December 2006

Early greetings

Early season's greetings from ME to YOU... I am so Sorry to folks who are having trouble while visiting my blog, because I don't know how to trouble shoot the problem, so I will re-create another link to continue alive in blogspot later, *maybe after Christmas lor,, please be patient with me ar...

30 November 2006

Congratulation !

Congratulation to Alan & ChuiMei.

02 November 2006

Halloween FUN

This year Halloween, Son tried out a few custumes, finally I got him a second hand green Dragon custume which he likes so much.
Dress up to School in the morning (one of his classmate dress as a Spider boy, and he actually demonstrated few action to me,, very fun to watch these kids really imagine they are who they want to be) later the day we went Treats or Tricks (get candy from door to door) at night. Kids shout Treat or Tricks at door, people will open door to hand out candy to prevent get tricks!

Halloween Spirits in Calgary or North America is quite nice, most people dress up at work or in School from princess, witch to ugly Hantu....
Some House decorated their house very unique
Some parents too dress up with their kids when they gone treats or tricks.Post with all candies he got .............

I believed My sister's had a very fun experienced this time.

14 October 2006

welcome my Sister Ping in Calgary

My oldest sister's came to visited us from Malaysia, and she arrived safely yesterday and will spend the next five weeks with us in Calgary. Ever since she retired, she come here every year, like going home to her own home she said.We love to see her spending sometime with us, I am taking every opportunity to snap the precious moment as we only get to see each other once a year.

**I miss both of my oldest brothers, brother Leong is in KL Brother Max is in Vancouver. I wish I wish both of their family is here with us, I will celebrate this precious time together_ A big Reunion Party .
I pray hard.....Here some photos to share with my family and friends.
more to come............

08 October 2006

01 October 2006

秋天來了 Autumn in Calgary

秋天來了............Autumn 树叶由绿已轉成金黃色,當风輕輕地一吹,D叶就一片一片往下飘,彷彿黃金從天掉落地。
而我就幻想到好似一片一片黃金向我處係咁下跌,好興奮!快D叫呀仔仔去拿。。。收起幾袋有排發呀! (到時再分D俾親朋好友,餘一两包俾Auntie Maria啦(助你一把發達捷徑))!
可惜................ 夢到精采果時就夢幻泡影...............原來只不過樹叶一堆咋!唉!冇計!為有繼續Falls in Calgary
During every Autumn season's, Most trees around the city change to yellow colors, just like golden trees stand on the ground, waiting for people to reach out. Dreamer like me imagine the gold just waiting to be pick and are to be spend for the rest of life.. easy money........ no stress no work no worry..........
But once I awake ,, tones of dry leave to be sweep away and pack,,, no more GOLD,, but Garbage.........
There are no Maple trees able to grow in Prairie land like in Calgary, Alberta. Not like in the Ontario, East coast Canada, Maple trees everyway, the leaves turn into red, orange and yellow color,, very pretty......

有 金 執 呀! GOLD,, Falling from the Sky,, I am rich!
睇清楚D!Take a closer look !!树叶咋唉!
Oh Man! Just dried leaves ker?! where got Gold?!
Fanmama, can you find golden leave in your city??
Please show me Autumn in Japan

28 September 2006

鍚婚_10 years and still counting

九二八?冇錯!只不過是数字吧了!沒什麼特别!( 九唔答八?:) )
一个特别的日子,也是達到"鍚婚"的一天,十年了,喜怒哀樂都有,仍然還好還可以!(己不易!) let's Celebrate my tenth wedding Anniversary....


22 September 2006


click image to enlarge

29 August 2006


收到朋友的 forwarded mail........好有啟發人生義意!讓我来publish给大家分享........(unknown author)



有一個男人為了參加第二天的小學同學會,特地上街買一條新長褲。 他回家穿上後,卻發覺長度多了十公分。於是請求媽媽替他改。媽媽說,身體不舒服,想早一點休息,今晚不想改。





結果,老同學們一致稱讚他家庭經營成功。 他的媽媽、太太、和女兒也都很高興。


人, 面對外人時,總是可以表現得雍容大肚、心平氣和,但面對自己最親近的家人, 卻往往一點小事就足以皺起眉頭,甚至出言相傷。如果形容人類是一種「出門高E.Q,回家低E.Q」的動物,我想一點兒也不誇張,多拿出一點耐心與幽默感給 家人吧!否則您自己也不會快樂,不是嗎?

25 August 2006

Thank you ChuiPin

I received a package few weeks ago from Japan. Chui Pin is so generous sent me a CD with so many DSb goodies inside.
Really want to say Thank you so much to this dear blog_friend's ChuiPin Aka Fanmama..A wonderful and thoughful person, someone I met thru blogspot.
Arigato... Fan's mama. Arigato for the friendship and your kindness.

The Breeze.....

Feel the Breeze........... in the air..............
Let's appreaciate the Beauty of Nature.................

Hiking in Kananaski_ Prairie view Trail

Long time no see, here some photos taken last week.
Summer almost come to end,,, Trying to enjoy everyday of it.........
Hubby arranged a lot of outdoor activities for us. We went hiking last weekend in one of the trail in Kananaski Country sites.My sister's Elaine and my boyI like to dedicated this picture to Earthone who I promised to take her to Banff, but she return to Singapore early, we have no chance to meet each other.. Perhaps Next time..
This picture I took here just nice, but compare with Banff,,,,still far behind .. so, come see it yourself..

Come!! visit me with twinmom in future, sure take you explore the beauty of National park in Alberta.
It's Brayden second time Hiking up in the wood way to the top of hills. He did well, except need hubby and my sister's Elaine to carry him up in some way, My hubby and Sister's Elaine very fits, no problem for them to do so, as for me, I can't carry him because I am having trouble hiking up Hills :( (for not being a regular exercise person), but he came all the way down with no help. Good job Brayden!It's a real good and fun outdoor activities.. Brayden still young to enjoy the nature compare with we the adult, but thru out the trail, we see many things, from wild flowers , inserts to small animals(like squirrel)..(didn't see Mouse or Deer this time. Bear is still around, but we do not want to see it, too dangerous! Once a while, we have to shout out loud to scare the bear away...)
There are many butterflies , Brayden get to catch them with fun, We told him it's a fun things to do without playing with any toys....... something Me and my sibbling use to do when we are kids....Hiking...............is Fun.........

My Boy.......... very exshauted............ lots of hard work walk up the hills......
Hard work pay off... Up aBout 1/3 trail, nice view...Precious moment,,, Money can't buy

Berries.......... Bear food..........White berries........
Very unique Heart shape berries,, cacoon........

Wild flowersweed........
More wild flowersbefore "flower"
After "Tenderlion"
Wild yellow roses