11 April 2013

我最近愛用 muzy.com玩 Apps

我最近愛用 muzy.com玩 Apps, 有時公司不忙、会畫畫、不過用mouse畫好难! 尤其在 公司更加难!工作嗎.有小人..

不過忙中愉閒, 是对我做創作有好無壞,對公司反兒有利呀!

'聽歌消愁解悶哦!❤ (`▽´)


09 April 2013

My Pic Monkey Photo editing Share.

Another Muzy - Pic Monkey Photo editing.
The Phone or iPod App don't have as many feature compare to Desktop version..
Here it's..

08 April 2013

My latest hobby_iPod-camera+photo editing APps.

My sister bought ar Boy an iPod for his birthday gift last week, he got so exited and were carry with him every where he goes. We are not keen about it, afraid that he will get addicted playing with this small screen, we limit his playing time.
Last week. when my friend bought me a cute sheep, I use it to snap picture and were browsing to see what App can edit photo instantly.. I Found MUZY.COM...
Wow, ever since,  I got so addicted to it! I was using the iPod to take pictures, edit and post to share in my Facebook page. I was playing with it for 5 days ( I had 3 days off work to accompany ar Boy School Spring holidays.)
I snap and edit photo for more than 500 images, ar boy were not happy because I was using at all time..
Here' re some of the images I like to post here, I still love my BLOG,, it's quiet and not so many traffic. I just posted partial here, will post more later.

All the object posted here either are created by me,  or some of the beautiful item I saw in Shopping places and some are my collection items.