Finally managed re-edit my Illustrations Gallery blog page, come see when you have time...Enjoy! First, Grab a dessert, and relax... Terrick, what do you think with the new face lift?
Thanks for the lovely comments and Birthday Wishes!Mommy and Daddy kept their promises, they promised to get me birds for my Pet on my birthday! Daddy bought a baby budgie and 3 older budgies with big cage from somebody who can't take care of them, now I have big responsibility because I need to take good care of them and love them! 我愛我的寵物 - 我有伴了!可愛鳥兒每天吱吱喳喳叫(晚上不吵的!),家里好像樹叢里,好有生氣呢!
Six years ago today, BoyBoy born at 12:59 pm, weight 5 lbs 14 oz. Today he weight 42 lbs. I was 105 lbs before I have a child, now I weight........................
看這一盆慈菇盆栽,長高了,好看多了!明年春節時如果要種到這麼高,一定要早六個星期開始了!Look at my arrow root plant! it's growing tall! I wish it was this big during Chinese New Year days. For next CNY, I will have to start at least 6 weeks early if I want my plant to like now.
For 10 years living in this house, we've finally cleaned up the basement! We been stuffing so many things in there, sometime hardly walk around. We always wanna to organize the place but we just did not act on it, as a matter of fact, we keep throwing more stuffs there, we hardly go down to basement since (no eyes see qua !). Last year, hubby friend's given him a used table-tennis (with missing legs), Ping-Pong is a sport that he loves so much, so, he is anxious to have it set up, so he can practice and play whenever he likes. He is urged to clean it up, it took us quite some time to re-organized the basement, trash useless stuffs, donate goods and box away stuffs, I can't believe how much stuffs I found and I forgot about it, boyboy were helping but he looks more like treasure hunt than cleaning up, it's good to have this massive clean up, let me get organized my stuffs and stop buying duplicates! After Daddy did most of the clean-up, his brother in-law finished installed the custom made legs on the table, they celebrate...! Ever-since they spend most time down in the basement... Here are video-clip on boyboy showing off his PingPong skills..
Being quite busy lately... Because I am working in boy boy school about a month now, as a School Helper (temporary position, replacing someone until she returns), my duties are to help out the office, teachers (not teaching, just helping marking the paper, prepare art, craft stuffs..), help in the library and supervise the kids (Kindergarten to Grade4) during recess and lunch time. I really enjoy the work so far, I've learned so much, and Boy is quite happy to see me there, it is a new but good experience for me and my of all, I am making some income, help out the bills...
昨天仔仔在土庫玩時,好奇的把塑膠包住Wall Insulation的塑膠捅穿了,知道事情不妙,快快告許爸供認和懺悔,當然被他爸爸罵了他一頓,只因那些用塑膠包住Insulation是玻璃碎物質,仔仔不但多手去破壞它,事後還用手摸又擦眼晴,他爸罵他也只因生氣他無知和擔心他損害他的眼晴。 我趕快去幫他洗手洗眼弄乾清,口中不停教訓他,他哭著對我說,他知道做錯也第一時間告許Daddy了,我心想,咦..這愚子可教呀!我讚他做的對,再解釋為什麼他被罵和玩Insulation這種物質可能產生的危險,我們罵他不只是他破壞家物,最主要因他的無知去玩那Insulation又擦眼晴,萬一弄傷自己,或又萬一他沒告許我們,到時才發現有問題,爸媽會很擔心,他聽了很後悔一直哭但又怕眼睛有事,一直洗臉,之後他問我: 仔仔:媽咪,我的眼睛OK嗎? 我說:紅啦,可能剛才哭過囉! (眼紅紅,水汪汪,忍不住,扁嘴對我說) 仔仔: 你們...你們擔心我,也不用罵我的嗎! 媽咪心想-->是哦??!!........不過我說: 我們必需教訓你,這樣你才知道那問題有多嚴重呀!不過在這件事裡,你有一件事做的對是坦白和明白事情的後果,那發生這伴事也不是壞事了! 然後再HugHug他... P/S: He post this picture for me today, not taken when he is upset yesterday.