Finally Spring weather is really here,, Sunny and windy.
<--- look! It's budding,, not cherry blossom but just a tree in-front of our house, very exited seeing and feeling Springs
Last week, went out with Lawn tools and start Spring clean,, Every year, boy boy love to help out... Brayden helping mommy to clean up the lawn,, wreaking out the dead grass to let new grass grow..
Brayden so pandai....helping mommy to clean the garden...good boy...
Antie sayang...
May...very nice it very much...
Just want to play outside, wait till he turn teenage,, if he still willingly to help out, then is 好野!
I like rain,,raining over here is not heavy or pouring rain,Just nice, cool and fresh.
Boleh,, boleh,不過是帮手食!
Brayden so good boy, help you with spring cleaning..
Spring came quite late huh this year?
Z's mama
Ya, Spring come quite late in Alberta, but our city is call sunshine city orr,, lot of sunshire even it's cool outside.
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