25 January 2012

Proud (Remember be humble on your success...)

We are very surprise and happy when we received an e-mail from our Son teacher.
Thank you Son, you make us proud.
Mommy will document this to remind you hard work pay off, you will enjoy the fruits later, but keep up with the good work, continue your great effort.
Here's is what we told by your Grade 4 teacher.

" Hi Again May,
It may look like Brayden is “careless” or “messy” from a parent perspective, but Brayden really is an excellent student.  Brayden has very strong skills in both reading and writing, and in his other subjects like social studies and math.  Brayden is also a kind and well-behaved boy.  I am certain that Brayden has a very bright future ahead of him.
Take care,

Ms. Guthrie

Subject: Re: Brayden's Levers Science Quiz

Hi Ms Guthrie
Sorry for late reply, we just check our e-mail in the morning.
We are kind of surprise, Brayden is a different person at home, careless, slow and messy. We always worry outside of home, how he do.
His dad monitor his homework everyday, and always found his work is messy and with few careless mistakes.

Reading your comment about him make me very proud and emotional, I never imagine my son can do so well, he sometime share how well he do but with my traditional mindset, I always remind him to be humble and it's not him to show off, but if it's from other person comment on his well being, that's is a true fact. My thought may be too reserve or too conservative, I should praise him more.

Thanks to all teacher especially you are his Class-Room teacher who coach him and lead him to great learning path.

Please accept our sincere Thank you and thanks for letting us know.

Best Regards,
May & Sam

Subject: Re: Brayden's Levers Science Quiz
On Jan 24, 2012, G------- wrote:

Hi Ms. Chan and Mr. Tang,

Brayden wrote a short levers quiz on Friday with the class.  When I marked his quiz yesterday, I noticed that he had a very firm grasp of the learning targets.  So, Brayden earned a mark of 30 out of 31.  Go Brayden!  You should see his quiz tomorrow when Brayden brings it home to sign.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  And, please send a response to this email so that I know you received it.  Enjoy you evening together.

Ms. Guthrie    "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

他 就 是 下 一 个“ 林 书 豪”!

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