During Spring/Summer time, Garage sale everywhere. People will bring out their unused house ware to clothing for sale in front of yard or in the garage drive way.
Me and my buddy Irene love shopping in garage sales, (our therapy treatment.. can be low cost or can be expensive..) We can spend whole afternoon browsing the street looking for sale, looking for good deal. Sometime we get goodie, sometime just JUNK. When it's almost end of the day, some houses still have tones of items not sold yet will have a FREE sign out for you to take, that is how I got this birdhouse Free. BoyBoy also got some free toys or good deal toys too.
I started to teach my son looks for quality and good deal! Hey! never too early to teach them managing money orr.. but he still have no clue.....
Me and my buddy Irene love shopping in garage sales, (our therapy treatment.. can be low cost or can be expensive..) We can spend whole afternoon browsing the street looking for sale, looking for good deal. Sometime we get goodie, sometime just JUNK. When it's almost end of the day, some houses still have tones of items not sold yet will have a FREE sign out for you to take, that is how I got this birdhouse Free. BoyBoy also got some free toys or good deal toys too.
I started to teach my son looks for quality and good deal! Hey! never too early to teach them managing money orr.. but he still have no clue.....
More flower pictures..
Dandelion all over the Lawn, Field and along the road , it a troublesome weed, it looks pretty when it flowers, it look terrible when it turn into white weed and dispersing all over, this happen all summer.蒲公英開花時好似菊花浦滿地上就好靚嘅,但花瓣一脱下就會變成白色種子驅散到四处‧好难睇㗎!
Lilac is blossom now, found only one color in the park, will have to hunt for other colors later...........紫丁香季節.