23 January 2007

ROti Canai_紅豆糖水

Roti Canai_one of my all time favorites..for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner time, or dessert Time.
This product is easily get in Asian supermarket, to compare with fresh make in Mamak store, quality of the bread still not too bad kar!
How you like yours serve?
With mine, plain with sugar, with meat curry, or with sweet red bean soup.
仔仔just like his plain.

1 comment:

烦妈妈 said...

We can get it here too...but from internet shopping...:D
we love roti canai so much...craving for it till we try looking anywhere just to get it...eventually we found it in the internet shopping...hehe...
I like it with sugar too...i thought only my family have it like that...coz my hubby thought so...he prefers with curry...
never try it with hong tau tong sui...the combination sounds strange for me...haha...maybe will try it some other times...